
class rta_reconstruction.utils.coordinates.TelescopeFrame(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseCoordinateFrame

Telescope coordinate frame.

A Frame using a UnitSphericalRepresentation. This is basically the same as a HorizonCoordinate, but the origin is at the telescope’s pointing direction.

This is used to specify coordinates in the field of view of a telescope that is independent of the optical properties of the telescope.

fov_lon is aligned with azimuth and fov_lat is aligned with altitude of the horizontal coordinate frame as implemented in astropy.coordinates.AltAz.

This is what astropy calls a SkyOffsetCoordinate.


Coordinate of the telescope pointing in AltAz




Observation time




Location of the telescope



__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]


__init__(*args, **kwargs)

copy(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance containing copies of the internal data.

diagonal(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with the specified diagonals.


Get a copy of the underlying data, with masked values filled in.

flatten(*args, **kwargs)

Return a copy with the array collapsed into one dimension.


Return a dict with the defaults for each frame attribute.


Get the mask associated with these coordinates.


The class used for part of this frame's data.



insert(obj, values[, axis])

Make a copy with coordinate values inserted before the given indices.


Checks if this object is the same frame as the other object.


Determine whether or not a frame attribute has its value because it's the default value, or because this frame was created with that value explicitly requested.


Determines if this coordinate frame can be transformed to another given frame.


Compute the on-sky position angle to another coordinate.

ravel(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with the array collapsed into one dimension.

realize_frame(data, **kwargs)

Generates a new frame with new data from another frame (which may or may not have data).


Return a replica of the frame, optionally with new frame attributes.


Return a replica without data, optionally with new frame attributes.

represent_as(base[, s, in_frame_units])

Generate and return a new representation of this frame's data as a Representation object.

reshape(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an instance containing the same data with a new shape.

separation(other, *[, origin_mismatch])

Computes on-sky separation between this coordinate and another.


Computes three dimensional separation between this coordinate and another.

set_representation_cls([base, s])

Set representation and/or differential class for this frame's data.

squeeze(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with single-dimensional shape entries removed.

swapaxes(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with the given axes interchanged.

take(indices[, axis, out, mode])

Return a new instance formed from the elements at the given indices.


Convert this |BaseFrame| to a |QTable|.


Transform this object's coordinate data to a new frame.

transpose(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with the data transposed.



Return an instance with the data transposed.


Cache for this frame, a dict.


Shorthand for a cartesian representation of the coordinates in this object.


Shorthand for a cylindrical representation of the coordinates in this object.


The coordinate data for this object.


Default representation for differential data (e.g., velocity)


Default representation for position data


The differential used for this frame's data.



Mapping for frame-specific component names


True if this frame has data, False otherwise.


Container for meta information like name, description, format.



A frame attribute


The mask associated with these coordinates.


Whether the underlying data is masked.



The number of dimensions of the instance and underlying arrays.


A frame attribute


Shorthand for the two-dimensional proper motion as a ~astropy.units.Quantity object with angular velocity units.


Shorthand for the radial or line-of-sight velocity as a ~astropy.units.Quantity object.




A dictionary with the information of what attribute names for this frame apply to particular representations.


The representation class used for this frame's data.


The shape of the underlying data.


The size of the object, as calculated from its shape.


Shorthand for a spherical representation of the coordinates in this object.


Shorthand for a spherical representation of the positional data and a ~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCosLatDifferential for the velocity data in this object.


A frame attribute


Get an instance without the mask.


Shorthand for retrieving the Cartesian space-motion as a ~astropy.coordinates.CartesianDifferential object.

property T: Self

Return an instance with the data transposed.

Parameters are as for T. All internal data are views of the data of the original.

property cache

Cache for this frame, a dict.

It stores anything that should be computed from the coordinate data (not from the frame attributes). This can be used in functions to store anything that might be expensive to compute but might be re-used by some other function. E.g.:

if 'user_data' in myframe.cache:
    data = myframe.cache['user_data']
    myframe.cache['user_data'] = data = expensive_func(myframe.lat)

If in-place modifications are made to the frame data, the cache should be cleared:

property cartesian

Shorthand for a cartesian representation of the coordinates in this object.

copy(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance containing copies of the internal data.

Parameters are as for copy().

property cylindrical

Shorthand for a cylindrical representation of the coordinates in this object.

property data

The coordinate data for this object. If this frame has no data, an ValueError will be raised. Use has_data to check if data is present on this frame object.

property default_differential

Default representation for differential data (e.g., velocity)

property default_representation

Default representation for position data

diagonal(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with the specified diagonals.

Parameters are as for diagonal(). All internal data are views of the data of the original.

property differential_type

The differential used for this frame’s data.

This will be a subclass from ~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential. For simultaneous setting of representation and differentials, see the set_representation_cls method.


Get a copy of the underlying data, with masked values filled in.


fill_value (object) – Value to replace masked values with.


filled – Copy of self with masked items replaced by fill_value.

Return type:


See also


get an instance without the mask.

flatten(*args, **kwargs)

Return a copy with the array collapsed into one dimension.

Parameters are as for flatten().

property frame_specific_representation_info

Mapping for frame-specific component names

classmethod get_frame_attr_defaults()

Return a dict with the defaults for each frame attribute.


Get the mask associated with these coordinates.


*attrs (str) – Attributes from which to get the masks to combine. Items can be dotted, like "data.lon", "data.lat". By default, get the combined mask of all components (including from differentials), ignoring possible masks of attributes.


mask – The combined, read-only mask. If the instance is not masked, it is an array of False with the correct shape.

Return type:

ndarray of bool


ValueError – If the coordinate frame has no associated data.


The class used for part of this frame’s data.


which ((‘base’, ‘s’, None)) – The class of which part to return. ‘base’ means the class used to represent the coordinates; ‘s’ the first derivative to time, i.e., the class representing the proper motion and/or radial velocity. If None, return a dict with both.



Return type:

~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation or ~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential.

property has_data

True if this frame has data, False otherwise.

insert(obj, values, axis=0)

Make a copy with coordinate values inserted before the given indices.

The values to be inserted must conform to the rules for in-place setting of the object.

The API signature matches the np.insert API, but is more limited. The specification of insert index obj must be a single integer, and the axis must be 0 for simple insertion before the index.

  • obj (int) – Integer index before which values is inserted.

  • values (array-like) – Value(s) to insert. If the type of values is different from that of quantity, values is converted to the matching type.

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis along which to insert values. Default is 0, which is the only allowed value and will insert a row.


coord – Copy of instance with new values inserted.

Return type:

|SkyCoord|, |BaseFrame|


Checks if this object is the same frame as the other object.

To be the same frame, two objects must be the same frame class and have the same frame attributes. Note that it does not matter what, if any, data either object has.


other (BaseCoordinateFrame) – the other frame to check


isequiv – True if the frames are the same, False if not.

Return type:



TypeError – If other isn’t a ~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame or subclass.


Determine whether or not a frame attribute has its value because it’s the default value, or because this frame was created with that value explicitly requested.


attrnm (str) – The name of the attribute to check.


isdefault – True if the attribute attrnm has its value by default, False if it was specified at creation of this frame.

Return type:



Determines if this coordinate frame can be transformed to another given frame.


new_frame (~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame subclass or instance) – The proposed frame to transform into.


transformableTrue if this can be transformed to new_frame, False if not, or the string ‘same’ if new_frame is the same system as this object but no transformation is defined.

Return type:

bool or str


A return value of ‘same’ means the transformation will work, but it will just give back a copy of this object. The intended usage is:

if coord.is_transformable_to(some_unknown_frame):
    coord2 = coord.transform_to(some_unknown_frame)

This will work even if some_unknown_frame turns out to be the same frame class as coord. This is intended for cases where the frame is the same regardless of the frame attributes (e.g. ICRS), but be aware that it might also indicate that someone forgot to define the transformation between two objects of the same frame class but with different attributes.


A frame attribute

No default value

property mask

The mask associated with these coordinates.

Combines the masks of all components of the underlying representation, including possible differentials.

property masked

Whether the underlying data is masked.


ValueError – If the frame has no associated data.

property ndim: int

The number of dimensions of the instance and underlying arrays.


A frame attribute

No default value

position_angle(other: BaseCoordinateFrame | SkyCoord) Angle

Compute the on-sky position angle to another coordinate.


other (~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame or ~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The other coordinate to compute the position angle to. It is treated as the “head” of the vector of the position angle.


The (positive) position angle of the vector pointing from self to other, measured East from North. If either self or other contain arrays, this will be an array following the appropriate numpy broadcasting rules.

Return type:



>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy.coordinates import ICRS, SkyCoord
>>> c1 = SkyCoord(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg)
>>> c2 = ICRS(1*u.deg, 0*u.deg)
>>> c1.position_angle(c2).to(u.deg)
<Angle 90. deg>
>>> c2.position_angle(c1).to(u.deg)
<Angle 270. deg>
>>> c3 = SkyCoord(1*u.deg, 1*u.deg)
>>> c1.position_angle(c3).to(u.deg)
<Angle 44.995636455344844 deg>
property proper_motion

Shorthand for the two-dimensional proper motion as a ~astropy.units.Quantity object with angular velocity units. In the returned ~astropy.units.Quantity, axis=0 is the longitude/latitude dimension so that .proper_motion[0] is the longitudinal proper motion and .proper_motion[1] is latitudinal. The longitudinal proper motion already includes the cos(latitude) term.

property radial_velocity

Shorthand for the radial or line-of-sight velocity as a ~astropy.units.Quantity object.

ravel(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with the array collapsed into one dimension.

Parameters are as for ravel(). Note that it is not always possible to unravel an array without copying the data. If you want an error to be raise if the data is copied, you should should assign shape (-1,) to the shape attribute.

realize_frame(data, **kwargs)

Generates a new frame with new data from another frame (which may or may not have data). Roughly speaking, the converse of replicate_without_data.

  • data (~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation) – The representation to use as the data for the new frame.

  • **kwargs – Any additional keywords are treated as frame attributes to be set on the new frame object. In particular, representation_type can be specified.


frameobj – A new object in this frame, with the same frame attributes as this one, but with the data as the coordinate data.

Return type:

~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame subclass instance

replicate(copy=False, **kwargs)

Return a replica of the frame, optionally with new frame attributes.

The replica is a new frame object that has the same data as this frame object and with frame attributes overridden if they are provided as extra keyword arguments to this method. If copy is set to True then a copy of the internal arrays will be made. Otherwise the replica will use a reference to the original arrays when possible to save memory. The internal arrays are normally not changeable by the user so in most cases it should not be necessary to set copy to True.

  • copy (bool, optional) – If True, the resulting object is a copy of the data. When False, references are used where possible. This rule also applies to the frame attributes.

  • **kwargs – Any additional keywords are treated as frame attributes to be set on the new frame object.


frameobj – Replica of this object, but possibly with new frame attributes.

Return type:

~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame subclass instance

replicate_without_data(copy=False, **kwargs)

Return a replica without data, optionally with new frame attributes.

The replica is a new frame object without data but with the same frame attributes as this object, except where overridden by extra keyword arguments to this method. The copy keyword determines if the frame attributes are truly copied vs being references (which saves memory for cases where frame attributes are large).

This method is essentially the converse of realize_frame.

  • copy (bool, optional) – If True, the resulting object has copies of the frame attributes. When False, references are used where possible.

  • **kwargs – Any additional keywords are treated as frame attributes to be set on the new frame object.


frameobj – Replica of this object, but without data and possibly with new frame attributes.

Return type:

~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame subclass instance

represent_as(base, s='base', in_frame_units=False)

Generate and return a new representation of this frame’s data as a Representation object.

Note: In order to make an in-place change of the representation of a Frame or SkyCoord object, set the representation attribute of that object to the desired new representation, or use the set_representation_cls method to also set the differential.

  • base (subclass of BaseRepresentation or string) – The type of representation to generate. Must be a class (not an instance), or the string name of the representation class.

  • s (subclass of ~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential, str, optional) – Class in which any velocities should be represented. Must be a class (not an instance), or the string name of the differential class. If equal to ‘base’ (default), inferred from the base class. If None, all velocity information is dropped.

  • in_frame_units (bool, keyword-only) – Force the representation units to match the specified units particular to this frame


newrep – A new representation object of this frame’s data.

Return type:

BaseRepresentation-derived object


AttributeError – If this object had no data


>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, CartesianRepresentation
>>> coord = SkyCoord(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg)
>>> coord.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation)
<CartesianRepresentation (x, y, z) [dimensionless]
        (1., 0., 0.)>
>>> coord.representation_type = CartesianRepresentation
>>> coord
<SkyCoord (ICRS): (x, y, z) [dimensionless]
    (1., 0., 0.)>
property representation_info

A dictionary with the information of what attribute names for this frame apply to particular representations.

property representation_type

The representation class used for this frame’s data.

This will be a subclass from ~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation. Can also be set using the string name of the representation. If you wish to set an explicit differential class (rather than have it be inferred), use the set_representation_cls method.

reshape(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an instance containing the same data with a new shape.

Parameters are as for reshape(). Note that it is not always possible to change the shape of an array without copying the data (see reshape() documentation). If you want an error to be raise if the data is copied, you should assign the new shape to the shape attribute (note: this may not be implemented for all classes using NDArrayShapeMethods).

separation(other: BaseCoordinateFrame | SkyCoord, *, origin_mismatch: Literal['ignore', 'warn', 'error'] = 'warn') Angle

Computes on-sky separation between this coordinate and another.

For more on how to use this (and related) functionality, see the examples in astropy-coordinates-separations-matching.

  • other (~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame or ~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinate to get the separation to.

  • origin_mismatch ({"warn", "ignore", "error"}, keyword-only) – If the other coordinates are in a different frame then they will have to be transformed, and if the transformation is not a pure rotation then self.separation(other) can be different from other.separation(self). With origin_mismatch="warn" (default) the transformation is always performed, but a warning is emitted if it is not a pure rotation. If origin_mismatch="ignore" then the required transformation is always performed without warnings. If origin_mismatch="error" then only transformations that are pure rotations are allowed.


sep – The on-sky separation between this and the other coordinate.

Return type:



The separation is calculated using the Vincenty formula, which is stable at all locations, including poles and antipodes [1].


Computes three dimensional separation between this coordinate and another.

For more on how to use this (and related) functionality, see the examples in astropy-coordinates-separations-matching.


other (~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame or ~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord) – The coordinate system to get the distance to.


sep – The real-space distance between these two coordinates.

Return type:



ValueError – If this or the other coordinate do not have distances.

set_representation_cls(base=None, s='base')

Set representation and/or differential class for this frame’s data.

  • base (str, ~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation subclass, optional) – The name or subclass to use to represent the coordinate data.

  • s (~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential subclass, optional) – The differential subclass to use to represent any velocities, such as proper motion and radial velocity. If equal to ‘base’, which is the default, it will be inferred from the representation. If None, the representation will drop any differentials.

property shape

The shape of the underlying data.

property size

The size of the object, as calculated from its shape.

property spherical

Shorthand for a spherical representation of the coordinates in this object.

property sphericalcoslat

Shorthand for a spherical representation of the positional data and a ~astropy.coordinates.SphericalCosLatDifferential for the velocity data in this object.

squeeze(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with single-dimensional shape entries removed.

Parameters are as for squeeze(). All internal data are views of the data of the original.

swapaxes(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with the given axes interchanged.

Parameters are as for swapaxes(): axis1, axis2. All internal data are views of the data of the original.

take(indices, axis=None, out=None, mode='raise')

Return a new instance formed from the elements at the given indices.

Parameters are as for take(), except that, obviously, no output array can be given.


A frame attribute

No default value

to_table() QTable

Convert this |BaseFrame| to a |QTable|.

Any attributes that have the same length as the |BaseFrame| will be converted to columns of the |QTable|. All other attributes will be recorded as metadata.


A |QTable| containing the data of this |BaseFrame|.

Return type:



>>> from astropy.coordinates import ICRS
>>> coord = ICRS(ra=[40, 70]*u.deg, dec=[0, -20]*u.deg)
>>> t =  coord.to_table()
>>> t
<QTable length=2>
   ra     dec
  deg     deg
float64 float64
------- -------
   40.0     0.0
   70.0   -20.0
>>> t.meta
{'representation_type': 'spherical'}

Transform this object’s coordinate data to a new frame.


new_frame (coordinate-like) – The frame to transform this coordinate frame into.


transframe – A new object with the coordinate data represented in the newframe system.

Return type:



ValueError – If there is no possible transformation route.

transpose(*args, **kwargs)

Return an instance with the data transposed.

Parameters are as for transpose(). All internal data are views of the data of the original.

property unmasked

Get an instance without the mask.

Note that while one gets a new instance, the underlying data will be shared.

See also


get a copy of the underlying data, with masked values filled in.

property velocity

Shorthand for retrieving the Cartesian space-motion as a ~astropy.coordinates.CartesianDifferential object.

This is equivalent to calling self.cartesian.differentials['s'].