Source code for rta_reconstruction.dl1_reader

import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.coordinates import Angle

from rta_reconstruction.utils.optics import OpticsDescription

# TODO: put key in configuration, not hard-coded
# TODO: make sure likelihood fit is only use in source dependent analysis, therefore really not needed, otherwise need to implement it here
# TODO: do we need to create the "delta_t" column (lstchain does it from dragon time, which we don't have)
[docs] def read_dl1(dl1_file_path: Path, dl1_param_key: str = "/dl1/event/telescope/parameters/LST_LSTCam") -> pd.DataFrame: return pd.read_hdf(dl1_file_path, key=dl1_param_key)
# TODO: is this required ? in alt-az dl1_maker we just drop the missing events ? # TODO: throw error instead of warning if repeated event id ? (could happen for small runs following each other in lst) # TODO: profile cause this looks slow # TODO: refactor to use DataFrame.fillna ?
[docs] def interpolate_missing_alt_az(dl1_df: pd.DataFrame): if ( "alt_tel" in dl1_df.columns and "az_tel" in dl1_df.columns and (np.isnan(dl1_df.alt_tel).any() or np.isnan(dl1_df.az_tel).any()) ): # make sure there is at least one good pointing value to interp from. if np.isfinite(dl1_df.alt_tel).any() and np.isfinite(dl1_df.az_tel).any(): if len(set(dl1_df.event_id)) != len(dl1_df.event_id): warnings.warn( "Beware, the data has been resorted by `event_id` to interpolate invalid pointing values but there are " "several events with the same `event_id` in the data, thus probably leading to unexpected behaviour", UserWarning, ) dl1_df = dl1_df.sort_values(by="event_id") for df_col in dl1_df["alt_tel", "az_tel"]: x = np.arange(len(df_col)) mask_missing = np.isnan(df_col.values) df_col = np.interp(x[mask_missing], x[~mask_missing], df_col.values[~mask_missing]) else: dl1_df.alt_tel = -np.pi / 2.0 dl1_df.az_tel = -np.pi / 2.0
[docs] def convert_az_and_sin_az_angle_to_degree(dl1_df: pd.DataFrame): # Normalize all azimuth angles to the range [0, 360) degrees dl1_df.az_tel = Angle(dl1_df.az_tel, u.rad).wrap_at(360 * u.deg).rad # Dealing with `sin_az_tel` missing data because of the former version of lstchain # TODO: this is copy paster from lstchain, but np.sin(degree) is not working if "sin_az_tel" not in dl1_df.columns: dl1_df["sin_az_tel"] = np.sin(dl1_df.az_tel)
# TODO: is this required ? # TODO: make key configurable # TODO: make sure we get the right optic per tel ID # TODO: make this able to work for other tel ID
[docs] def read_telescope_optics(dl1_file_path: Path, optics_table_key: str = "/configuration/instrument/telescope/optics"): optics_df = pd.read_hdf(dl1_file_path, key=optics_table_key) layout_df = pd.read_hdf(dl1_file_path, key="/configuration/instrument/subarray/layout") lst1_layout_row = layout_df.loc[layout_df["tel_id"] == 1].iloc[0] optics_row = optics_df.iloc[lst1_layout_row["optics_index"]] return OpticsDescription(, size_type=optics_row.size_type, n_mirrors=optics_row.n_mirrors, equivalent_focal_length=optics_row.equivalent_focal_length * u.meter, # TODO: read units from file ? effective_focal_length=optics_row.effective_focal_length * u.meter, mirror_area=optics_row.mirror_area * u.meter * u.meter, n_mirror_tiles=optics_row.n_mirror_tiles, reflector_shape=optics_row.reflector_shape, )
# TODO: configuration object for filtering ranges # TODO: re-name finite_params
[docs] def filter_dl1( dl1_df, filters=None, finite_params=None, ): """ Apply data filtering to a pandas dataframe. Each filtering range is applied if the column name exists in the DataFrame so that `(events >= range[0]) & (events <= range[1])` Parameters ---------- events: `pandas.DataFrame` filters: dict containing events features names and their filtering range example : dict(intensity=[0, np.inf], width=[0, np.inf], r=[0, np.inf]) finite_params: optional, None or list of strings Column names: any row with a non-finite value in one of those columns will be discarded Returns ------- `pandas.DataFrame` """ filter = np.ones(len(dl1_df), dtype=bool) filters = {} if filters is None else filters for col, (lower_limit, upper_limit) in filters.items(): filter &= (dl1_df[col] >= lower_limit) & (dl1_df[col] <= upper_limit) if finite_params is not None: # TODO: a usefull warning could be: a filter column is not present ?... _finite_params = list(set(finite_params).intersection(list(dl1_df.columns))) # TODO: replace inf by nans, then run isna ?? dl1_df[_finite_params] = dl1_df[_finite_params].replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) not_finite_mask = dl1_df[_finite_params].isna() filter &= ~(not_finite_mask.any(axis=1)) # TODO: make this a useful warning: 1 per file ? / single warning entry not_finite_counts = (not_finite_mask).sum(axis=0)[_finite_params] if (not_finite_counts > 0).any(): warnings.warn("Data contains not-predictable events.") warnings.warn("Column | Number of non finite values") for k, v in not_finite_counts.items(): if v > 0: warnings.warn(f"{k} : {v}") # if pandas DataFrame or Series, transforms to numpy # TODO: why convert to numpy ? filter = filter.to_numpy() if hasattr(filter, "to_numpy") else filter dl1_df = dl1_df[filter] return dl1_df